lagos city polytechnic school fees



Computers can store information on several different types of physical media. Magnetic tape,  magnetic disk  and  optical disk  are  the  most common media. Each of these media has its own characteristics and physical organisation.

For  convenience use  of  the  computer  system,  the  operating  system provides a uniform logical view of information storage. The operating system abstracts from the physical properties of its storage devices to define a logical storage unit, the file. The operating system maps files onto physical media and accesses these files via the storage devices.

A  file  is  a  collection of  related  information defined by  its  creator. Commonly, files represent programs (both source and object forms) and data. File processing refers to an environment in which data are physically organised into files.

The  operating system  implements the  abstract  concept  of  a  file  by managing mass storage media and the devices which control them. Also, files are normally organised into directories to ease their use. Finally, when multiple users have access to files, it may be desirable to control by whom and in what ways files may be accessed. File management is software processes concerned with the overall management of files.

Course Objectives

To achieve the aims set out, the course has a set of objectives. Each unit has specific objectives which are included at the beginning of the unit. You may wish to refer to them during your study to check on your progress. You should always look at the unit objectives after completion of each unit. By doing so, you would know whether you have followed the instruction in the unit.

Below are the comprehensive objectives of the course as a whole. By meeting these objectives, you should have achieved the aims of the course as a whole. In addition to the aims earlier stated, this course sets to achieve some objectives. Thus, after going through the course, you should be able to:


differentiate  between   file   management  and   file   processing concepts

explain file naming, extensions and attributes

explain the relationship between computer or electronic files and operating system

describe file management architecture, operations, and functions explain various file organisation and access methods

know the relationship between files and directories explain techniques of record blocking

explain how operating systems manage used space in computer memory

describe    the    various    techniques    in    improving    system performance, reliability, and security

explain various data validation techniques

discuss  and  identify  many  file  processing  and  management products

manage  files  and  directories  on  a  Microsoft  Windows-based system

discuss various file sorting, searching, and merging algorithms and applications

have idea of how programming languages handle or process files for input and output.


Study Units

The study units in this course are as follows:


Module 1                 File Fundamentals


Unit 1                       Basic File Concepts

Unit 2                       File Organisation and Access Methods

Unit 3                       File Management

Unit 4                       File Directories

Unit 5                       File and Directory Operations


Module 2                 File Storage Management

Unit 1                       File Allocation

Unit 2                       Record Blocking

Unit 3                       Free Space Management

Unit 4                       File System Performance and Reliability

Unit 5                       File System Security and Integrity


Module 3                 File Processing and Applications


Unit 1                       Data Validation

Unit 2                       File Managers

Unit 3                       Managing Files in Windows

Unit 4                       File Sorting, Searching, and Merging

Unit 5                       File Handling in High Level Languages



The first module teaches some basic concepts about files and directories, like file naming, essence of file extensions, attributes, how files are organised  on  disks,  how  to  access  files.  The  various  access  rights granted to a user and standard operations that can be performed on electronic files and directories are also discussed.

Module Two discusses how files are allocated in computer memory. It teaches that file allocation method will determine the kind of access, and that a file may be scattered all over the storage disk but the operating systems  know  how  to  logically harmonize  the  pieces  together. The methods used to manage unused spaces in storage are also discussed. The techniques used by file system designers in improving system performance, reliability, security and integrity are extensively discussed in this module.

The last module tries to look at file processing and management from a subtle angle. It discusses few of the ways end-users interact with computer file system, from data validation through using commercial software to manage files, operations like sorting, searching, and merging of files and finally to using high level computer programming codes to manipulate electronic files.







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